Archive for June, 2017

News for England South-West – 18 June 2017

| June 16, 2017

We start with news that Weston-super-Mare Radio Society has this year introduced a series of five two metre DF hunts. Spearheaded by Jim Bryant, M0JWB, they will be held on a Monday club night or a Sunday afternoon, and start from a hilltop lay-by just outside Weston, NGR ST359579. The fox will be hiding somewhere […]

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News for Wales – 18 June 2017

| June 16, 2017

On Monday Dragon Amateur Radio Club is having a DF hunt, followed by the concluding part of the introduction to VHF contesting. Details from John Pritchard, MW0JWP, on 0751 503 1025. On Tuesday Wrexham Amateur Radio Society is having a talk by Huw Davies, MW0ARL, on HF and broadcast band listening. More information from Eifion […]

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Consultation of new syllabus 2017

| June 16, 2017

A complete review of the syllabus for all three levels of the amateur radio examinations has been completed. The draft of the new syllabus is now available for consultation together with a survey to capture any comments you may wish to make. Please visit to access the syllabus draft document and how to make […]

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ISS contact Tuesday afternoon

| June 12, 2017

British amateurs will be involved in facilitating a ‘telebridge’ contact between the International Space Station and a children’s summer camp at NASA Space Center Houston on Tuesday afternoon, the 13th of June 2017. The voice downlink (astronaut) transmissions will be audible over much of Europe on 145.800MHz from about 1519UTC. The HAMTV amateur television transmitter […]

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Real-time propagation tool goes online

| June 9, 2017

A new graphing tool has been developed by Jim, G3YLA of the Propagation Studies Committee to show the near real-time critical frequency over the UK and the predicted maximum usable frequency over different paths. A feature on how to use the free tool appears in the July issue of RadCom. But if you want to […]

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Jamaica removes Morse requirement

| June 9, 2017

Amateur radio operators and technicians in Jamaica will no longer be required to be proficient in Morse code, as a result of changes to the regulations for the two pieces of legislation that govern radio and telegraph control services.

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