Archive for February, 2017
Ofcom Consultation on Proposed Annual Plan 2017-18: Response from RSGB
Follow the link below to read this paper. Ofcom Consultation on Proposed Annual Plan 2017-18: Response from RSGB (3-page/192KB PDF)
Convention lectures on YouTube
We’re delighted that a number of lectures from the RSGB 2015 Convention are now on the RSGB’s YouTube channel, by kind permission of the presenters. You can see Clean Up Your Shack by Ian White, GM3SEK; Navassa Island K1N by Glenn Johnson, W0GJ; What Makes The Pings Go Ping by John Worsnop, G4BAO and Engineering […]
Slow Scan TV from ISS
Slow-scan television transmissions are planned from the International Space Station on Monday and Tuesday. The SSTV images will be transmitted as part of the MAI-75 experiment on 145.800MHz FM. They will be made using the Kenwood TM-D710 transceiver, located in the Russian ISS service module. It is thought they may use the PD-180 SSTV format. […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
RSGB President Nick Henwood, G3RWF is writing a report on the implementation of the 2015 Review of Contesting. A questionnaire forms an important part of the input to this report, but there will also be feedback from clubs, groups and individuals as well as factual analysis of performance where possible. The questionnaire is now available […]
2015 Review of Contesting Report: online questionnaire now open
RSGB President Nick Henwood, G3RWF is writing a report on the implementation of the 2015 Review of Contesting. A questionnaire forms an important part of the input to this report, but there will also be feedback from clubs, groups and individuals as well as factual analysis of performance where possible. The questionnaire is now available […]
Consultation on RSGB future
Lots of people have views on what the RSGB should or should not do. Here is your chance to have your say. The RSGB Board has been working with strategy expert Chris Deacon, G4IFX, the Leadership Team and Headquarters staff to develop a strategy for the next five years. That work has been boiled down […]