Archive for March, 2016
RadCom April 2016, Vol. 92, No. 4

THIS EDITION IS TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE ONLINE We apologise for any disappointment This edition is currently being converted to our HTML5 online viewer, which will bring enhanced readability, download speed and picture quality This edition brings with it the opportunity to review the work of your Society provided by the small HQ staff and thousand or […]
GB1SS this is GB2CNS calling from Norwich

Over 250 people gathered at the City of Norwich School to take part in the fourth UK schools ARISS contact with Tim Peake on 26 February 2016 Pupils and teachers from 22 schools all across Norfolk joined representatives from the University of East Anglia, Research Council UK, the UK Space Agency, the Royal Society of […]
VK0EK team en route to Heard Island
The VK0EK team are almost at the end of their 10 day journey to Heard Island at the time of writing. The operators are currently active as ZL/ZS9HI/MM from Braveheart. Activity has been mainly on CW on 30, 15 and10 metres. See their website for more information on the DXpedition.
Register for Mills on the Air
Denby Dale ARS invite registrations for this year’s Mills On The Air weekend that takes place over the weekend 14 and 15 May. Please visit and follow the links.
Longstanding GB2RS newsreader retires
Roy, G8CKN has decided to retire from presenting the GB2RS news and the RSGB would like to thank him for his many years of dedicated service to the amateur radio community. He started broadcasting at the beginning of the 2m FM service 37 years ago, adding simultaneous 70cm FM and 23cm ATV transmissions for the […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
Following the transfer of responsibility of amateur licence examinations to the RSGB, the Examinations Group is looking for volunteers to join them. Ideally volunteers will have a Full licence and experience in radio communications technology in some professional, educational or employment capacity. Full details on the RSGB website. Voting has now opened in the RSGB’s 2016 election. Members […]