Archive for February, 2016

Also in GB2RS…

| February 12, 2016

Stuart, M0SGS has been given granted an NoV to operate a Simplex Fusion C4FM Digital Voice Gateway callsign MB6ILE on 431.075MHz. The gateway is located in Pudsey, West Yorkshire, and serves the Leeds and Bradford area. Transmission is via a 70cm folded dipole at about 630ft ASL with a 5 watt output. The system went […]

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Rallies and Events News – 14 February 2016

| February 12, 2016

Sunday, the 14th, the UK Allstar Radioactive Fair will be held at the Civic Hall, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 5DG. The venue is well served by public transport, has free car parking and disabled facilities. Doors open at 10.30am and admission is £4. There will be trade stands, a bring-and-buy, an RSGB book stall and catering […]

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DX News – 14 February 2016

| February 12, 2016

Masato, JA0RQV will be active as 6Y5/JA0RQV mainly from his hotel in Kingston, Jamaica, NA-097, starting on 21 February until 17 April. Activity will be mostly on the weekend and spare time. He will work on the 10 to 160m bands using CW and SSB. QSL via M0OXO using ORQS or Logbook of The World. […]

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Contest News – 14 February 2016

| February 12, 2016

The first of this year’s CQ Worldwide Worked All Prefix Contests is RTTY, which is held for the entire 48 hours this weekend ending at 2359 on the 14th. There are too many categories to list, so please check for more information. Using the 3.5 to 28MHz bands the exchange is signal report and […]

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Propagation News – 14 February 2016

| February 12, 2016

This past week saw an increase in the solar flux index, helped along by a gaggle of sunspots. The SFI hovered around 117 mid-week which, when coupled with relatively settled geomagnetic conditions, brought some life to the upper HF bands. Andy, M0NKR reported working Japan on 20 metres from his car at lunchtime using a […]

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News for England Midlands – 14 February 2016

| February 12, 2016

We start with news from clubs that have several events this week. Worksop Amateur Radio Society has a Young Persons’ Foundation course plus an Advanced course tonight and next Sunday. There’s a club night on Tuesday. Thursday sees a technical night with a talk on DMR. Contact Paul, M0PJA, on 07890 626 684. Wythall Radio […]

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