Archive for February, 2016

Elections 2016 – Unopposed nominations

| February 15, 2016

The closing date for nominations for directly elected Board Directors and Regional Managers has now passed. Presidential Election Nick Henwood, G3RWF, is elected unopposed for a two year term as his was the only nomination received. Board Elections There were two vacancies for directly elected Directors, and two nominations were received. Len Paget, GM0ONX (current […]

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First school ham TV ISS link

| February 12, 2016

The UK ARISS team achieved a world first at the Royal Masonic School for Girls, Rickmansworth on Thursday, by receiving live ATV video from the ISS during the contact. Using the HamTV transmitter, which has recently been commissioned on board the ISS, Tim Peake was the first astronaut to use this equipment during a two […]

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Thinking Day next weekend

| February 12, 2016

World Thinking Day will take place on 20 and 21 February. This is when members of Girlguiding use amateur radio to try to contact other members throughout the world as part of the celebrations of their founders’ birthdays. For further details and to add your station to the list of participants go to or […]

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New 472kHz distance record set

| February 12, 2016

Tuesday, 9 February saw a new record set for the longest DX on the new 600m band. WSPR was used by Phil Dwyer, VK3ELV and Laurence Howell, KL7L, the latter operating as WE2XPQ. The contact, from Victoria in Australia to Alaska in the USA, is the first ever between VK3 and KL7 on the 472kHz […]

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Latest RSGB Band Plans finalised

| February 12, 2016

The latest RSGB Band Plans have now been finalised. They cover all 29 UK amateur bands from 136kHz to 250GHz, including the special 146MHz band that is only available by Notice of Variation to Full licence holders. The Band Plans are available at They also appear in the March edition of RadCom, which should […]

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New digital voice gateway goes live

| February 12, 2016

Stuart, M0SGS has been given granted an NoV to operate a Simplex Fusion C4FM Digital Voice Gateway, call sign MB6ILE, on 431.075MHz. The gateway is located in Pudsey, West Yorkshire, and serves the Leeds and Bradford area. Transmission is via a 70cm folded dipole at about 630ft ASL with a five watt output. The system […]

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