Archive for 2015

WRC-15 Day 1+2 – Colin sets the Scene…

| November 3, 2015
WRC-15 Day 1+2 – Colin sets the Scene…

WRC-15 has started. Colin Thomas G3PSM is attending as part of the UK Delegation. IARU observers are also present and are under no illusions regarding the challenge ahead. The conference opened on Monday Nov-2 and will run until Nov-27. Overall 3,800 delegates, an increase of 1,000 over WRC-12, representing 162 administrations and 136 organisations are registered […]

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Ofcom Licence Guidance

| November 2, 2015
Ofcom Licence Guidance

Ofcom has today published guidance to help amateur radio licensees understand and comply with the terms and conditions of the UK Amateur Radio Licence. This guidance should therefore be read in conjunction with the Licence.

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TX Factor makes youth video for RSGB

| October 30, 2015

The short video Amateur Radio: A Hobby for the 21st Century was produced by TX Factor for the RSGB and is intended as an introduction to amateur radio for young people. This video can be freely downloaded from the RSGB website by any one for use in the furtherance of amateur radio. Please read the […]

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1000th contact for ARISS

| October 30, 2015

The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station, or ARISS, programme has marked its 1000th space station amateur radio event. It started 15 years ago when the programme established the first permanent amateur radio presence in space. The inaugural ARISS contact took place on 21 December 2000 between a school near Chicago and Commander William […]

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13cm and 9cm spectrum to be auctioned

| October 30, 2015

Spectrum at 2.3 and 3.4GHz that once was allocated to amateur radio is going on the auction block, Ofcom announced this week. In April 2014 Ofcom announced that it was ending amateur access to significant portions of the 2.3 and 3.4GHz bands following a year-long consultation. Amateur radio was secondary on both bands. Ofcom expect […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| October 30, 2015

The 5MHz beacon, GB3RAL, which is part of the 5MHz beacon chain, is currently off air due to local difficulties. A decision about possible relocation of the beacon will be taken later in the year. UKube-1 has now completed its nominal mission following over 14 months of operations. Launched in July 2014, UKube-1 is a technology […]

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