Archive for 2015

Esde Tyler, G0AEC

| February 12, 2015

It is with sadness that I pass on the message that Esde Tyler, G0AEC has passed away.  Although she has not been active in recent years, many will remember her contributions to amateur radio in particular her articles for Novice News in Radcom.  Esde still occasionally visited the Halifax and District ARS for talks/presentations or […]

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New Services Map on RSGB website

| February 9, 2015
New Services Map on RSGB website

The RSGB is pleased to announce a new feature on the Society’s website. The Services Map provides an overview of every service the RSGB offers on a single page. You can find out more about each service by hovering your mouse over its name. The Services Map can be found at

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Gordon B Phillips, 2E1FZR, 27 December 2014

| February 9, 2015

It is with great sadness that I report the unexpected passing of Gordon B Phillips, 2E1FZR, born 1937, died 27 December 2014, age 78. Gordon was born in Port Talbot, South Wales, of a normal working class family. After leaving school, he worked as a cinema projectionist until he was called up for National Service. This […]

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Work Navassa before it’s too late

| February 6, 2015

Time is running out to try and work Navassa Island, K1N, a small, uninhabited and disputed island in the Caribbean Sea. If you miss it this time it is likely to be at least 10 years before a further DXpedition is allowed. Please see their website for all information and day to day updates.

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New UK Six Metre Group

| February 6, 2015

The UK Six Metre Group has a new Yahoo Group that it is encouraging six metre enthusiasts to join. It will keep participants up-to-date with the latest happenings on six metres. Further details are online.

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World Radio Day

| February 6, 2015

World Radio Day marks the anniversary of the first broadcast by UN Radio in 1946, when it first transmitted “This is the United Nations calling the peoples of the world.” World Radio Day seeks to raise awareness about the importance of broadcast radio. It will be marked at the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in Geneva […]

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