Archive for September, 2015
RadCom Plus, Vol. 1, No. 2

To read this edition, tap or click cover image Contents 1 A position reporting system using WSJT weak signal data modes Andy Talbot, G4JNT devises a method for sending highly accurate location information with excellent weak signal performance 6 A home-built all-digital PAL vectorscope Inspired, apparently, by a dodgy T-shirt, this FPGA-based project by Mark […]
Arie Dogterom, PA0EZ, 24 September 2015
It is with great sadness to inform you that Arie Dogterom, PA0EZ, passed away on 24 September 2015 at the age of 78. Arie has been Chairman of C5 for a great many years. Based upon his great work for the VERON he was nominated Member of Honour of the VERON in 1998. Remy F […]
Mike Hastings, G8ASI, 26th September 2015
I am sorry to report my friend Mike Hastings, G8ASI passed away on the evening of 26th September 2015 after 4½ years battling with cancer. He was an enthusiastic radio ham in all the 30+ years that I have known him and he will be sorely missed by me and all that knew him. Tribute […]
Mel Bradwell, 2E1EDB, 25th September 2015
We understand that Mel Bradwell, 2E1EDB passed away on the 25th of September 2015 aged 68/69 years.
Sixty years of GB2RS broadcasts

On 25 September 1955, at 10am, the first RSGB news bulletin was broadcast from the station of RSGB Council member Frank Hicks-Arnold, G6MB using the call sign GB2RS. It had taken two years of negotiations with the GPO to get to the first broadcast. Initially, the GPO had declined to allow the HQ station to […]
New RSGB questionnaire
All UK radio amateurs are invited to complete the RSGB’s online questionnaire available at The survey will be available until the 31 December. The data collected will be used by the RSGB when it reviews its strategy next year and the results published on the RSGB website and in RadCom. It takes between 10 […]