Archive for April, 2015
FUNcube-1 fails but gets restarted
On the evening of 15 April, amateur satellite FUNcube-1 stopped transmitting. During a later pass over Europe, PA3WEG commanded it back to nominal mode with full automatic mode switching. A restart has now taken place so the satellite, also known as AO-73, is transmitting telemetry once again.
International Marconi Day
Saturday, 25 April is International Marconi Day, when special event stations connected to the inventor get on the air all over the world. The Cornish Radio Amateur Club offers two special Award Certificates for working authorised International Marconi Day Award Stations. One is for transmitting stations and the other for short wave listeners. The award classes and required standards to be […]
Amateurs mark ANZAC day next weekend
ANZAC day is commemorated on 25 April each year, with 2015 being the 100th anniversary of the battle of Gallipoli. Listen out for the VK100WIA broadcast from Canberra. In Australia eight different ANZAC callsigns are to be on air. Additionally, radio amateurs are able to substitute their normal VK prefixed with AX on both 25 […]
Radio props wanted for new film
A film production company is looking for help from radio amateurs, particularly those who had a career in the maritime industry. A large portion of the film’s props are themed around radios, transmitters, receivers and all the equipment that is subsequently related to maritime radio. Portishead Radio Station is one of the sets that is […]
Beacon and repeater insurance
Beacon and repeater insurance arranged via the RSGB is due for renewal on 29 April. The RSGB is in discussions with the insurers on the renewal terms for the forthcoming year and will advise all current policy holders via email when they are available. The emails will include a link to the RSGB shop to […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
The RSGB AGM is taking place on 25 April at 12 noon in the Royal National Hotel, 38-51 Bedford Way, Russell Square, London WC1H 0DG. Doors will be open from 11am until 11.45am for registration and refreshments will be available. Lunch will be available from 1pm at a small charge. All business will be concluded […]