Archive for March, 2015
Investigating interference from VDSL

The EMC Committee is carrying out an investigation of the significance of interference to amateur radio from VDSL broadband. Where emissions occur from a normally working VDSL system the noise is continuous twenty-four-seven and sounds like white noise. Occasionally, when the VDSL system is faulty or disturbed by large external signals, different emissions may be […]
Places still available on Youth Dxpedition

Five places remain on the DXpedition to Wales from 23 to 30 July, organised by the RSGB Youth Committee. If you are under 26 and an RSGB Member why not join the group and take part in a week of radio? It only costs £50 for the whole week and the RSGB will cover travel […]
Eclipse QSO party announced
Recently, the RSGB Propagation Studies Committee announced the Eclipse Propagation Experiment for the morning of 20 March. The UK will experience up to 89 percent totality on that day, which is likely to reduce the effect of the D layer of the ionosphere above the UK. This could mean that stations may be heard on […]
Commonwealth Contest DXpeditioners
A number of RSGB members are heading off on trips for the Commonwealth Contest next weekend. Look out for G3LET as VY2GQ from Prince Edward Island, IOTA NA-029, G3VYI/VP9 from Bermuda, NA-005, G4CWI as ZF2CA from Cayman, NA-016, G3RWF as 5Z4LS from Kenya, G3XAQ as 5X1XA from Uganda and G3PJT as J34G from Grenada, NA-024. […]
New frequency for Germany GB2RS
Starting Sunday, 8 March, the GB2RS transmission at 10.00 on 40m from Germany will move to a new frequency of 7.127MHz. This change is being made to accommodate contest activity that competes for spectrum on the band. Our thanks go to G3SIB/DJ0OK and M0DXM/DJ2XB for their continued support of the GB2RS news service. The 1030 […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
Starting Sunday, 8 March, the GB2RS transmission at 1000 on 40m from Germany will move to a new frequency of 7.127MHz. This change is being made to accommodate contest activity that competes for spectrum on the band. Our thanks go to G3SIB/DJ0OK and M0DXM/DJ2XB for their continued support of the GB2RS news service. The 1030 […]