Archive for January, 2015
Geoffrey L Mills, G3EDM, 16 December 2014
Geoffrey Mills, G3EDM died on 16 December 2014 following a short illness. Despite his declining health Geoff continued to operate his station until his final days, talking to his many friends in UK, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, etc. Geoff was licensed as D2DM just after the war whilst stationed in Hamburg in 1946/47. He was […]
Ofcom-RSGB Forum – 13 January 2015

Summary of matters discussed at the Ofcom-RSGB Forum meeting held on 13 January 2015. Abusive behaviour on Repeaters The problems experienced by certain repeater keepers, how support might best be provided for them and ongoing Ofcom enforcement progress were discussed at length. Various possible remedial actions were aired including the inclusion of voice recognition software […]
New Events Planner feature on website

The Society is pleased to announce a new way to find out about, and post, amateur radio events in your area. It’s called UK Events Planner and displays upcoming radio events as markers on a map of the UK. You can search by postcode or place, and you can set distances from five miles to […]
G3KBR & the Eichmann Trial
Ron Huntsman, G3KBR from Cambridge is one of the last surviving members of the production team who televised the 1961 trial of Adolf Eichmann – one of the Nazi architects of the Holocaust. Ron set up hidden TV cameras in the court room and fed the cables across the street suspended by a catenary wire […]
RSGB launches corporate Facebook page
The RSGB is delighted to announce the launch of its new Facebook page. Please do Like our page, which can be found at You can get up-to-date news as well as information about events and Member offers in your newsfeeds. You’ll also be able to see photos and videos and receive updates about special […]
Thinking Day on the Air
Stations planning to participate in Thinking Day on the Air on 21 and 22 February are asked to send in a report, no matter how short, to Liz, M0ACL, via Report forms will be available from the website It is hoped that this year there will be a station operating from the World […]