Archive for December, 2014
Ofcom Review of 420-470 MHz band
Ofcom has published a call for inputs as part of its strategic review of the 420-470MHz band. This will help Ofcom to understand whether its current approach to managing the band is able to meet the needs of current and future users. Users include business radio, the emergency services and utilities and demand is increasing. […]
John Dunnington, G3LZQ, SK

We regret to announce that John Dunnington, G3LZQ became a Silent Key on 8 December 2014, passing away peacefully in his sleep. John generously served amateur radio and the Society in many ways, including as DXpedition Fund Manager. He was Awards Manager from January 2003 until very recently, when poor health obliged him to step […]
John Dunnington, G3LZQ, 8 December 2014

John Dunnington, G3LZQ became a Silent Key on 8 December 2014, passing away peacefully in his sleep. John generously served amateur radio and the Society in many ways, including as DXpedition Fund Manager. He was RSGB Awards Manager from January 2003 until very recently, when poor health obliged him to step down from his roles. […]
William Charles Albert Carpenter, G4KQJ, 30 November 2014
Ex GB2RS newsreader Bill Carpenter, G4KQJ (known as King Queen Jack) passed away on 30 November 2014 aged 87. The report I have heard was that he had been in hospital, allowed home, collapsed, and was readmitted, only to pass away. Bill retired from his position as a West Yorkshire GB2RS newsreader in the first […]
Ofcom announces Licence Review Decision
On Friday morning Ofcom published a decision to update the terms and conditions of the amateur radio licence, following a consultation published in September. These include changes which would provide amateurs with access to some frequency bands previously available only through the variation of individual licences. The RSGB is pleased that Ofcom have taken into […]
This week’s Youngsters on the Air stations
December is Youngsters on the Air month and 37 stations will be operating all around Europe, Africa and the Middle East, getting young people involved in amateur radio. There are even two stations from Asia and the Caribbean that are part of this event. In the UK, the callsign G14YOTA is moving around the country […]