Archive for September, 2014

Japan to launch amateur satellite

| September 5, 2014

Asteroid mission Hayabusa 2, with a planned launch this December, will also carry the amateur radio satellite Shin’en 2. It will be among the first amateur radio satellite go into orbit outside the influence of the Earth’s gravity. The relatively small satellite will be put into an elliptic orbit around the Sun and travel to […]

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TX Factor now with French subtitles

| September 5, 2014

TX Factor, the television show for radio amateurs, is now available in a version especially for French speakers. Episode 1 is now available with French subtitles thanks to the work of F6FVY, F8BXI and F8GQH. That team plans to do the same with the rest of the show’s episodes. To view the TX Factor with […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| September 5, 2014

Asteroid mission Hayabusa 2, with a planned launch this December, will also carry the amateur radio satellite Shin’en 2. It will be among the first amateur radio satellite go into orbit outside the influence of the Earth’s gravity. The relatively small satellite will be put into an elliptic orbit around the Sun and travel to […]

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Rallies and Events News – 7 September 2014

| September 5, 2014

The British Amateur Television Club Convention takes place this weekend at the Everest Academy, Basingstoke. There will be lectures, demonstrations and surplus ATV equipment for sale. The BATC biannual General Meeting is on Sunday afternoon. For more information see The Halton and District Radio Amateurs Rally that would have taken place on 14 September […]

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Special Events News – 7 September 2014

| September 5, 2014

Northampton Radio Club are hosting GB0TRN today, the 7, at Delapre Park from 11am today to late afternoon on 7MHz, 14MHz, 18MHz and 21MHz depending upon conditions. SSB and Morse will be used. The event is to promote the use of amateur radio in conjunction with a public opening of the Northampton Society of Model […]

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DX News – 7 September 2014

| September 5, 2014

Today, the 7, the newly formed UK Island group will be signing M0UKI/P from the rare Farne Islands, EU-109. The team members will be on the air with two stations. QSL via M0OXO. PA3EWP, PA1AW, PA9JO and PB5X will be active stroke LX from Luxembourg from 10to 17 September. Operations will be on 10 to […]

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