Archive for September, 2014
RadCom download – September 2014

The following downloads support the RSGB Centenary Receiver. Matters arising since publication: The voltage rating for the electrolytic capacitors should be 16V or higher. Some people have reported the 2N3819 FET as difficult to obtain. A number of eBay suppliers offer them, or a suitable substitute is the BF256B – but note that the pinout […]
RadCom download – January 2014

This 21.6k ZIP file contains the files to support the G0MGX Arduino Power Meter article. The author spotted some errors in the circuit diagram after publication and has supplied a replacement. The updated version includes switches on pins 47 and 49 and corrects the connections to pin 8 of the sample & hold opamps IC2 […]
Alan Richard Willis, G4JSN, 29 May 2014
My late father, Alan Richard Willis, G4JSN passed away on 29 May 2014. Rod Willis (Son & executor of estate)
Harry Arnfield, G3LX, 10 August 2014

Harry Arnfield, G3LX (1919-2014) – a great loss to Stockport Radio Society. It’s very sad to announce to the world that our President, Harry Arnfield, G3LX died peacefully on Sunday 10 August 2014. Harry had been the President of our society for more years than we, and he, cared to remember. Whilst relatively inactive […]
Dr Colin Bayliss, G3WKZ, 6th September 2014

Dr Colin Bayliss, PhD, MSc, FIET, G3WKZ, died, sadly on Saturday, 6th September 2014, a short time after an unexpected diagnosis of cancer, age 64. This was a great shock to all his friends and family and to the radio amateurs of Reading & District Amateur Radio Club (RADARC), many of whom saw him last […]
IARU Region 1 Conference

Last week saw the 23rd International Amateur Radio Union General Conference held in Bulgaria. National societies, including the RSGB, from 45 countries covering Europe, Scandinavia, Asia and Africa sent representatives to agree and coordinate activity to secure the future of amateur radio. Real progress was made at the meeting on a number of topics that […]