Archive for August, 2014

December is YOTA Month

| August 15, 2014

December is IARU Region 1 YOTA month and the RSGB has arranged for clubs and groups to use the special Callsign G14YOTA—and its regional variations—on a rota basis. The application process for the use of the special callsign has now been finalised and the application form is available here (1-page/51KB PDF). There are only 31 […]

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December is IARU YOTA Month

| August 15, 2014

December is IARU YOTA month and this year the RSGB has arranged for UK Clubs/Groups to use the special Callsign G14YOTA (and its Regional variations) on a rota basis. The application form is available to download from this webpage G14YOTA APPLICATION FORM. There are only 31 allocations so applicants are asked to give three choices of […]

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Thomas J Coleman, K6VW, 1st July, 2011

| August 13, 2014

Thomas J Coleman MD, K6VW was a prominent orthopaedic surgeon and passed away on 1 July 2014 at the age of 89. He was a graduate of Providence College and Yale Medical School and saw active duty in the USN/MC Reserves, 1942-1957. A member of QCWA, number 10230, and OOTC, number 4045. He is survived […]

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90 years of UK-NZ contacts

| August 12, 2014

Mill Hill School celebrates the anniversary of the dawn of mass global communication. In 1923, tests were conducted to span the Atlantic with radio. Then, in 1924, as both transmitter power and receiver sensitivity improved, the dream was to span the globe by radio. After some false starts, on 18 October 1924, two-way communication was […]

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RSGB Convention 10-12 October

| August 8, 2014

The RSGB Convention takes place between 10 and 12 October and will be held at the Kent’s Hill Conference Centre in Milton Keynes. The RSGB has extended the Early Bird discount until 1 September so there’s still time to get a bargain. Go to to book your place. The programme is available here One […]

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AMSAT-UK video on-line

| August 8, 2014

Thanks to the volunteers from the British Amateur Television Club, videos of the presentations given to the AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium held in Guildford on 26 and 27 July are now available to view online or download. Links to the presentation videos, slides and the schedule are at

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