Archive for May, 2014
Amateurs help disaster relief in Serbia
The Serbian Radio Association is carrying out disaster relief communications in flooded areas. The control station uses the callsign YU0S. Operations are on VHF and in the 80m band, with 3760kHz ±QRM being the main frequency in use. All radio operators are asked to keep this frequency clear. It is expected that the nets will […]
AM nets to mark D-Day landings
On Friday June 6, to mark the 70th anniversary of the Allied D-Day landings in Normandy, the Vintage and Military Amateur Radio Society are organising amplitude modulation radio nets on 80m, 60m and 40m for operators of vintage military wireless sets that would have been in use at that time. The AM nets will be […]
Horizon balloon chosen to promote maths and science
The UK Department for Education has selected the Horizon balloon project to feature in the department’s Your Life campaign to promote studies in math and science. Pupils at the Queen Mary’s Grammar School in Walsall built the payload that transmitted FSK RTTY telemetry data on 434.075MHz. The weather balloon reached an altitude of close to […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
Some changes have taken place on The callsign database now fully supports secondary callsigns, i.e. ones that include a slash plus a modifier as either a prefix or a suffix to the primary call. This feature is available to all QRZ users and can be accessed by simply editing your callsign, or by using […]
Rallies and Events News 25 May 2014
We have no details of any rallies over this Bank Holiday weekend. The 24th Annual Waters and Stanton Open Day takes place today from 10am to 4pm in Hockley. There will be a variety of talks and presentations including What’s New from Elecraft and new bhi products. On 1 June, Spalding and District ARS will […]
Special Events News 25 May 2014
In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of D-Day, HMS Belfast will be active from 24 May until 30 June as GB70DDAY. On 6 June, HMS Belfast will make a special memorial contact with the GB2IWM station at IWM Duxford. The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will be on the air as EI2GEO from the Copper […]