Archive for September, 2013

England South East 22 September 2013

| September 20, 2013

Chesham and District Amateur Radio Society are now planning to hold an Intermediate Training Course & exam starting in October 2013. Provisionally the training will run for six sessions starting on Sunday 27th October with the exam on either the 8th or 15th December. More detail from On Sunday 22 September East Kent Radio […]

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England South West 22 September 2013

| September 20, 2013

Appledore and District Amateur Radio Club has its Zepp Net on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 4pm on 145.450MHz and on Wednesday there’s a net via GB3DN at 4pm. The HF net is on Friday at 4pm on 7.185MHz ± QRM. Contact Brian Jewell, M0BRB, on 01237 473 251 for more information. On Monday 23 […]

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Wales 22 September 2013

| September 20, 2013

On Monday 23 September Llanelli Amateur Radio Society is holding an on the air night. Details from Craig, MW0MXT on 01269 845773. On Thursday 26 September Aberystwyth & District Amateur Radio Society is having a club night on the air on 145.500MHz then 145.550MHz. Details from Ray, GW7AGG, on 01970 611 853. On Thursday 26 […]

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ARDF Success in Poland

| September 13, 2013

The 19th IARU Region 1 ARDF Championships have been taking place in Poland during this last week. UK radio amateurs will be delighted to learn that Robert Vickers won the M70 sprint race with Bob Titterington, G3ORY coming in 3rd. . That’s two podium places for the UK. In the fiercely competitive M40 Foxoring race, […]

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RSGB Construction Competition

| September 13, 2013

A reminder to constructors, designers and programmers that the closing date of the end of September for registering an entry for the RSGB Construction Competition, is fast approaching. Entries don’t have to be complex or innovative, and help will be available to write up your project if it is selected for publication in RadCom.  We […]

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National Hamfest at Newark

| September 13, 2013

The National Hamfest, organised by the Lincoln Shortwave Club in association with the RSGB, is being held at the usual venue in Newark on 27th and 28th September 2013.  On both days, the doors open at 10.00 and this is lining up to be the best show ever. Of particular note this year, Ofcom staff […]

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