Archive for June, 2013
Special Centenary Prefixes GV, MV and 2V
Ofcom has been most accommodating in supporting our celebrations this year and have now agreed to issue an NoV to any UK amateur who wishes to use a special commemorative prefix. The NoVs for these special commemorative prefixes GV,MV and 2V are now available for download from Please note that these NoVs are valid ONLY from 0001 […]
Cuban Emergency Net activated
CO2KK has reported heavy rains in the Cuban province of Pinar del Rio and the activation by the Cuban National Society of their Emergency National Net on 3720, 3740, 7110 and 7120kHz. Amateurs are asked to avoid these frequencies during the emergency.
New frequencies for Spanish amateurs
Amateurs in Spain have been granted an extension of the 160m band along with a new 472kHz allocation. They have been authorised to use a new segment from 1810 to 1830kHz on secondary basis in addition to their primary allocation of 1830 to 1850kHz. Spanish amateurs are also now allowed to use the band of […]
Expect digital TV soon from the ISS
The frequencies of 2422MHz and 2437MHz have been announced for a new amateur radio digital TV transmitter that will operate as an educational adjunct from the International Space Station. To accomplish this, the ISS will host a new S-band video transmitting station in addition to the existing VHF FM ham band transceiver. The new equipment […]
…also in GB2RS this week
GW100RSGB, the special event callsign celebrating the RSGB Centenary will be operated today by Aberystwyth DARS, with an HF station running SSB and CW. On Monday, St Tybie ARS will run an HF station from Carmarthen, then on Tuesday and Wednesday Highfields ARC take over in Cardiff. June 13 sees Cwmbran DARS running an HF […]
Rallies and Events News – 9 June 2013
The 12th Junction 28 QRP Rally takes place at the Alfreton Leisure Centre, Church Street, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 7BD. Doors open 10am and there will be trade stands and special interest groups. More details from Anya Lawrence, 2E0BQS on 0115 930 7322. On 16 June, the 26th Newbury Radio Rally will be held at the […]