Archive for May, 2013

GB2RS News for Sunday, 19 May 2013

| May 17, 2013
GB2RS News for Sunday, 19 May 2013

Download the GB2RS script for Sunday, 19 May 2013. GB2RS News Script for Sunday, 19 May 2013 (8-page/65KB Word document) Listen to the GB2RS Podcast

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Israeli amateurs on 5MHz

| May 17, 2013

The Israeli regulator – the Ministry of Communications – (IMOC) has decided to grant 5MHz/60m temporary permission on an individual application basis. 8 Channels are available to General and Extra Class licence holders The channels are as per the list below (the number represents USB  dial frequency) – for CW 1.5kHz above. There is some […]

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GB4JDF – Joey Dunlop Foundation

| May 16, 2013

Building on the success of GD100RSGB, the Isle of Man ARS will be operating GB4JDF on Mad Sunday of TT week. Mad Sunday is the 2nd of June this year, and they will be operating from the Mike Hailwood Centre which is located in the main grandstand complex in Douglas. They hope to work […]

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GB100RSGB call sign

| May 15, 2013

References to this GB call sign in RadCom, on the DX Cluster and elsewhere are unfortunate typos or errors. The GB prefix is used as a prefix for UK  Special Event Stations and has not been issued for use with the G100RSGB, GD100RSGB, etc, Centenary stations, which are operated under a special arrangement with Ofcom.

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Edward “Ted” C Lark, G3CWC, 30 April 2013

| May 15, 2013

Edward “Ted” C Lark, G3CWC passed away on 30 April 2013 at the age of 85. Ted was one of the pioneers of the then-“new-fangled” mode of SSB. Tribute by D E Johnson, G3MPN

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Region 1 Interim Meeting minutes

| May 14, 2013

Following the meeting in April, the minutes of the C4 Committee meeting (matters below 30 MHz) and the C5 Committee (matters above 30 MHz) can be seen under our IARU pages. Note that the Interim Meeting is aimed at allowing early discussion of new proposals as well as discussion of policy matters that are thought […]

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