Archive for 2012

US emergency response team spends weekends helping hikers

| September 25, 2012

Daily Herald – Luckily for hikers, a dedicated group of volunteer emergency medical technicians and ham radio operators call Mount Timpanogos home every weekend from July to September

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Michael Owen, VK3KI, SK

| September 25, 2012

RSGB – The RSGB is deeply saddened to learn of the sudden death of Michael Owen, VK3KI, President of the Wireless Institute of Australia, and Chairman of IARU Region 3

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GB2RS Headlines 23 September 2012

| September 23, 2012

First RSGB ARDF world champion The Amateur Radio Union of Serbia hosted the 16th IARU World ARDF Championships last weekend and one of the RSGB M70 team gave the Society its first gold medal winner. Bob Titterington, G3ORY won the M70 section in the Second ARDF Classic, run on September 14. He completed the course […]

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Propagation News

| September 23, 2012

And now the solar factual data for the period from Friday the 14th to Thursday the 20th of September, compiled by Neil Clarke on Friday the 21st of September. As forecast, the quiet side of the Sun was looking our way and with it solar activity was at very low levels, at least till the […]

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Contest News

| September 23, 2012

Today, Sunday 23rd, the Practical Wireless 70MHz Contest runs from 1200 to 1600UTC. It has a Low Power section, that’s 10 watts in this contest, and Open sections. Scoring is 1 point per contact, multiplied by the number of Locator squares worked. Using all modes on the band, the exchange is signal report, serial number […]

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Rallies & Events

| September 23, 2012

The Great Northern Hamfest takes place today, 23 September, at the Barnsley Metrodome, Queens Road, Barnsley. The post code for those with a satnav is S71 1AN. Follow the large brown Metrodome signs from the A roads into town. There will be trade stands, special interest groups and clubs, disabled facilities, family attractions, prize draw, […]

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