Archive for November, 2012
Update: A Standard for Powerline Telecommunications Devices – the RSGB involvement
RSGB – For over 15 years the RSGB has been actively involved in the work to consider a suitable standard for powerline communications devices
A Standard for Powerline Telecommunications Devices – the RSGB involvement
The result of the second vote on a draft standard EN50561-1:2012 for Power Line Communication apparatus used in low-voltage installations has been announced. The standard was passed to be implemented by all European countries after the EU national standards organizations voted 19 for, 5 against with 9 abstentions; according to the weighted voting system used, […]
GB2RS News for Sunday, 11 November 2012
Norway gets new allocations The Norwegian P & T Authority has made changes to the Norwegian amateur licence regulations. The major changes are that permission has been given to use 472 to 479kHz with a maximum 1W EIRP. The former permission to use 493 to 510kHz has been stopped. Permission has been given to use […]
Rallies and Events
Today, 11 November, the West London Radio & Electronics Show, otherwise known as the Kempton Rally, will be held at Kempton Park Racecourse, Staines Road East, Sunbury on Thames TW16 5AQ. There is free car parking and the doors open at 10am. Visitors will find trade stands, a Bring & Buy, special interest groups as […]
Special Events
GB4WLR will be on air today, 11 November, as part of the Remembrance Sunday commemorations. A World War One locomotive is expected to be in steam on the West Lancashire Light Railway at Hesketh Bank. The locomotive served behind the front lines during WW1 and is named Joffre. Also taking place that day is the […]
DX News
JH1AJT will be on the air from Bhutan until 15 November as A5A. He will be active on all bands between 10 and 40m using various modes. QSL via home callsign. Frank Pulfer, HB9BXU and a team of Swiss amateurs will activate the island of Aitutaki, IOTA OC-083, from 12 to 30 November. This island […]