Archive for 2010

Ofcom WRC-12 Consultation

| February 28, 2010

Feb-2010: Ofcom Consultation on the 2012 World Radio Conference, WRC-12 RSGB: WRC-12  Response (5-page/139KB PDF)

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PLA-PLT and Ofcom: RSGB Statement

| February 17, 2010

The RSGB announced last year that it was considering its options in respect of legal action to cause a review of Ofcom’s position on the perceived non-compliance of certain “Ethernet-over-mains” (PLA) devices being placed on the market. The Society has now completed a review of its options in conjunction with its lawyers and Counsel. From […]

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Spectrum Defence Fund announced

| January 31, 2010

As announced in the January edition of RadCom, the Society has established a Spectrum Defence Fund to challenge Ofcom as regards its interpretation of the various Acts and Directives that cover PLA/PLT and the threat they pose. Thousands of pounds have already been donated but there’s still a long way to go to reach the […]

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