Sean Amesbury, M0GIA – 22 February 2025

| March 14, 2025

Sean Amesbury (M0GIA) went Silent Key on the 22 February, 2025.

I first met Sean in early 2008, when he was 2E0BAX. Sean and his friend Andy (M1BYH) came to Macclesfield & District ARS to present a talk and demonstration on SSTV. I ascertained very quickly that the three of us all lived near each other, this was great news for us “maybe not so for our XYL’s”. During that period, we were never out of each other’s homes everything we did at that time was centred around our hobby. Sean embraced low power SOTA activations using all modes, testing endless aerials from 70cm to 160m always using his trusted 2.5 watts from his Yaesu Ft 817. Sean also enjoyed taking part in field days and local D-Expeditions such as to Piel Island in the North West of England. He also experimented with portable satellite activations (usually in our street) and of course aerial modelling.


It is important to articulate that Sean was a traditional hobbyist. By this I mean, that he spent time, thinking through complex problems, and inevitably resolving many issues with low-cost, low-tech solutions. He really did promote our hobby as one that could be accessible to all. One of Sean’s projects with aerials, led him to designing and building a homemade resonant quarter wave antenna with elevated ground planes. This was used very successfully, for many years, by Sean’s very good friend, Tom Read M1EYP.

Sean’s enthusiasm for our hobby was infectious, and his love for low power amateur radio activations led him to be influential in the creation of several SOTA initiatives, and the creation of a popular on-line FT817-FT818 group. Sean shall not only be missed by everyone that knew him, but by all amateur radio enthusiasts dedicated to QRP Operations.

Greg Acton M0TXX

Category: Silent Keys