DX News – 1 September 2024

| August 30, 2024

Domenico, IK1MNF is active as IK1MNF/IA5 from Isola d’Elba, EU-028, until the end of September. He is operating using SSB on the 20 to 6m bands. QSOs will be uploaded to Club Log and Logbook of the World.

Yann, F1SMB is active as FO/F1SMB from French Polynesia until 15 September. His main QTH will be Tahiti OC-046, with a side trip to Fakarava, OC-066. Usually, he operates FT8 and SSB on the 40 to 10m bands. QSL to F1SMB directly or via the Bureau, Logbook of the World or eQSL.

Category: GB2RS DX News