YOTA Czechia 2024

*Applications have now closed and we’ll be announcing the RSGB YOTA team soon*


YOTA Czechia summer camp

The 2024 Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) summer camp will be held in Prague Czechia, hosted by the Czech Radio Club. This is a chance in a lifetime for young RSGB Members to represent their country and national society.

The main theme of the week will be the train-the-trainer (TTT) programme, and participants will be working on the future of amateur radio. They will join workshops where they will gain skills to start similar amateur radio youth events when they return home.

Last year the programme included lectures about the work of the IARU, how they organise events like the YOTA camp, and lectures and practical HFDF, which was a specialism of the hosting radio organisation. Since there will be many nationalities involved, there will be cultural elements throughout the event including an Intercultural Evening where participants bring food and drinks from their home country to share.

Previous events have shown that all participants have an unforgettable week, where many new friendships are started. There is a photo gallery and video clips on the IARU YOTA website and you can also find out more from previous RSGB teams on the RSGB YOTA web pages.