YOTA Month 2015

Thanks to Ofcom, we were able to secure the call sign G15YOTA and its regional variations. A large number of requests to host the call sign were received filling 25 out of the 31 days in December, with 13 groups taking part.

The participants hosting the stations included 2364 Squadron Welshpool RAF Air Cadets, No 2 Welsh Wing RAF Air Cadets, Aberystwyth & DARS, Bath University, Durham & DARS, Hilderstone RC, Leicester RS, Mid-Ulster ARC, Priory Academy LSST School ARC, Silcoates School ARC, Stirling & DARS, Worksop ARS and Wythall RC.

Adam Hutchison, MM0KFX describes these events in more detail (2-page/1.4MB PDF) in the April 2016 edition of RadCom.