GB2RS Headlines 16 September 2012
Final hours of the Contest General Rules Proposals
The consultation on Contest General Rules proposals is in its final hours, closing at 2359 BST today, 16 September. It is open to all RSGB members. Full details appear at
Request for proposals to fund a radio propagation-related project
The RSGB’s Propagation Studies Committee is inviting proposals to fund a radio propagation-related project, up to a maximum of £1,000. The PSC was recently bequeathed £1,000 by the late Charlie Newton, G2FKZ, who died earlier this year. Charlie was an active member of PSC and also helped educate other amateurs about propagation matters through talks and lectures. He was also the author of the book Radio Auroras, which is viewed as a definitive guide to this type of propagation. His bequest was made to help fund propagation-related research and the PSC is looking to hear from any person or group who might have a detailed proposal for how the money could be used. Full written proposals, including details, costings and likely timescales, should be submitted to PSC chairman Steve Nichols, G0KYA by email to by 31 December 2012.
RSGB Convention draft lecture programme revealed
The draft lecture programme for the RSGB Convention on 12 to 14 October has been released. It is available online at and also appears in the October edition of RadCom. The Partners Programme for the RSGB Convention has a day trip planned for Saturday 13 October. This will include a visit to Oxford, including one of the colleges where participants will have the chance to experience matriculation day, seeing freshers dressed in their black gowns. Other highlights will be the Sheldonian theatre and Bodleian library area, finishing with some retail therapy at the Covered Market. Tickets for all aspects of the RSGB Convention on 12 to 14 October are still available, including weekend packages. Details are online at
Also in GB2RS this week
Sands Contest Group to activate Isle of Man
Members of Sands Contest Group will be activating the Isle of Man, IOTA reference EU-116, from 23 to 29 September. The group will use the club call MT0SCG and will be active on most HF bands using SSB and datamodes. The base location is next to a small beach, close to the town of Ramsey at the NE end of the island, locator IO74UH. The group is likely to activate at least one SOTA summit during the week, probably on 2m FM.
D-Star QSO Party
This year’s D-Star QSO Party runs from 0000UTC on Friday 21 September to 2359UTC on Sunday 23rd. The goal of the D-Star QSO Party is to communicate through as many D-STAR repeaters as possible throughout the world. All operators who submit an approved log will be eligible for the prize draw with winners randomly selected for each prize. For more information on this year’s event go to
Category: GB2RS Headlines