Volunteers’ Week
1-7 June 2023 is Volunteers’ Week. This year we’re highlighting our volunteers and what they do in words, photos and a video!
Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Society and we want to thank everyone who gives their time and expertise to support the RSGB across such a wide range of roles.
We will be celebrating as many people and roles as we can during this special week, so click on the image above to watch our video today, then check back here and on our social media channels for the next six days as we highlight others. We’ll round up our celebrations in the next issue of RadCom.
Steve Morton, G8SFR
Emerging Technology Coordination Committee (ETCC) member

Steve Morton, G8SFR
I’ve been an RSGB volunteer since 1994 and I’ve been doing more or less the same role ever since! When I first joined the RSGB DCC (Datacoms Committee) I was using my organisation and communication skills to process large number of NoV applications for Nodes and Mailboxes throughout UK.
Today I’m still doing more or less the same, but for Simplex Internet Gateways and Packet Radio applications. The method of applying and processing the applications has changed dramatically over the last 29 years. Back in the 1990s I used to spend hours on the phone sorting out applications, but that is all done via emails these days.
I retired from paid employment as a spectrum manager for a UK government department in 2010, so my volunteer role keeps the grey matter ticking over. I enjoy giving back to the hobby the friendship I’ve been given by many amateurs over the years.
Mícheál ‘Mick’ Na bPíob, MI0HOZ
Regional Representative 8 (Northern Ireland) and GB2RS newsreader

Mícheál, MI0HOZ
I’ve been volunteering now for a few years. I started teaching for the radio exams and then reading the news, both on 80m and DMR. My first experience of reading the news was daunting but soon it got easier. I enjoy listening to the reports and chatting to my listeners.
For about two years now I have been teaching using Skype and I’ve put a few students through the Foundation, Intermediate and Full exams. Recently, the role of Regional Rep came up and I was elected unopposed. I’m still finding my feet but enjoy it more and more each day. I hope to make a difference and look forward to the years ahead.
Chris Wood, GD6TWF
Honorary Treasurer

Chris, GD6TWF
I am responsible for advising the RSGB Board and communicating to members on finance matters. When I retired, I recognised that as a Chartered Accountant I had specific skills to offer the Society. By volunteering I can contribute to the RSGB and I am enjoying that.
Lindsay Pennell, G8PMA
Awards Manager and QSL Bureau sub-manager for call groups G1, G2, and G3G to G3L

Lindsay Pennell, G8PMA
I volunteer because, quite simply, it adds to my enjoyment of the hobby. Being the Awards Manager allows me to encourage and coach other amateurs in an aspect of the hobby that I enjoy, awards chasing, and has prompted me to write a few articles for RadCom on the subject. Awards provide a focus for my operating, things to aim for rather than just making whatever QSOs come my way.
Handling the QSL cards lets me see some great QSLs from all over the world, and the expeditions that I’ve missed! I like receiving physical cards myself, so it’s nice to be part of the system that gets them to other amateurs who collect them.
Paul Nicholls, M0PVN
Board Director

Paul Nicholls, M0PVN
I love the social side of radio, and I think that the soft skills and communication I have developed in my professional life as a Solicitor, are able to help the RSGB Board. I am delighted volunteer to give something back to this wonderful hobby. Here I am pictured in 1981 operating an old WW2 Canada set no 52.