RadCom Basics

RadCom Basics is a bi-monthly digital publication that explores key aspects of amateur radio in a straightforward and accessible way

OpenWebRX+ on a Raspberry Pi

Tony Molloy, M6CIH takes an interesting look at this method of accessing one or more SDR devices using a browser, and covers its uses, set up and installation

In this edition…

  • 4 Checking and testing components: Part two
    In this second instalment, Lee Aldridge, G4EJB provides guidance on checking and testing components and, specifically, how to test capacitors
  • 14 Keeping it clean! A guide to clean transmissions: Part two
    In this second part of this series, Andy Gilfillan, G0FVI provides great tips and advice on how to transmit a clean signal, focusing specifically on AM and SSB modes
  • 20 Building and tuning an end-fed half-wave antenna for the 40 to 10m bands
    Matt Hardy, M7EUP documents his experiences in making, installing, and tuning this popular multi-band antenna at his space-restricted QTH, and outlines what he had to consider not only to tune the antenna but also how to gain the best possible performance
  • 26 OpenWebRX+ on a Raspberry Pi
    Tony Molloy, M6CIH takes an interesting look at this method of accessing one or more SDR devices using a browser, and covers its uses, set up and installation
  • 34 How a full-wave loop behaves
    Tim Hier, G5TM examines how a typical rectangular full-wave loop for the 40m band can be made to radiate differently depending on where it is fed
  • 41 Index of RadCom Basics articles, editions 1 to 40
    Provides you with an up-to-date reference to all RadCom Basics articles



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We welcome your feedback

If you liked RadCom Basics, please email Lee, G4EJB at radcombasics@rsgb.org.uk and let him know what you enjoyed and helped you the most. He very much looks forward to reading your comments.


Back issues

The archive of historical back issues from June 2015 to March 2022 are being converted to single file PDFs and HTML5 for an improved viewing experience and will be available again in 2024.