Join the Bath Buildathon on 4 January
The next Bath Buildathon is to be held on Saturday 4 January 2014. The aim of the event is to encourage newcomers to have a go at homebrewing radio equipment under the watchful eye of some experienced radio constructors. The project is the 20m PSK Centenary Receiver that was developed for the RSGB Centenary Day and featured in the September RadCom. Running from 9am to 5pm, you can be confident that you will go home with a working 20m PSK receiver. Places will be limited so book early. There will be two free places available for young amateurs who are still in full-time education. Intermediate Practical Assessments will also be available on the day. For further details, please contact Steve Hartley, G0FUW by e-mail to
Category: GB2RS Headlines