Commonwealth Contest – Evans Committee
Commonwealth National Radio Societies
The National Societies in Australia (WIA), Canada (RAC), UK (RSGB), India (ARSI) and New Zealand (NZART) have established a Committee to be the custodians of the Commonwealth Contest. The Committee has been named the “Evans Committee” after the winner of the 1931 event – Trevor Evans, VK2NS.
There is no reason why other national societies may not join this initial group and we hope this will be the case in the future.
As a part of this joint venture we have made a commitment to promote the international contests that each National Society sponsors and here we are including some information and links to Commonwealth National Society websites. We encourage RSGB members to take part in the contests organised by our Commonwealth friends.
The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA)
The Wireless Institute of Australia is a member of the International Amateur Radio Union and represents all Amateur Radio Operators in Australia.
International Contests sponsored and promoted by WIA include:
- Oceania DX held on the first and second full weekends in October using phone and CW in HF bands, joint with other National Societies in Oceania. The contest involves categories from all Oceania countries and the rest of the world. Certificates are awarded to the winning station in each entry category, for each country and continent.
Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC)
Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) is the national association for Amateur Radio in Canada.
International Contests sponsored and promoted by RAC include:
- RAC Canada Day Contest: Each year on July 1, the anniversary of Canada’s Confederation, Radio Amateurs of Canada sponsors the RAC Canada Day Contest and Amateurs all over the world are invited to celebrate Canada’s Birthday Party on the air.
- Canada Winter Contest: held in December each year; sponsored by Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC). Amateurs all over the world are invited to participate.
The Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI)
ARSI is the International Amateur Radio Union recognized national association for amateur radio operators in India.
International Contests sponsored and promoted by ARSI include:
- ARSI VU DX Contest: held in August each year
New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters
The New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (NZART) is the national membership organisation for amateur radio enthusiasts.
International Contests sponsored and promoted by NZART include:
- Oceania DX held on the first and second full weekends in October using phone and CW in HF bands, joint with other National Societies in Oceania. The contest involves categories from all Oceania countries and the rest of the world. Certificates are awarded to the winning station in each entry category, for each country and continent.