RSGB 2019 Convention lectures
We are proud of the quality and breadth of the lectures given at the Convention each year—find out more about 2019’s lectures
Urban QRM: what can I do?
Tony Canning, G2NF
47min 53sec
2m weak signal ionosphere scatter
Richard Banester, G4CDN
43min 05sec
Clean up your shack: revisited
Ian White, GM3SEK
47min 03sec
RSGB Cricket World Cup Radio Marathon
Nick Totterdell, G4FAL
38min 23sec
Amateur Radio and the Raspberry Pi
Mike Richards, G4WNC
39min 25sec
Lessons from the 6Gs VK9XG DXpedition
Chris Duckling, G3SVL
42min 13sec
DXpedition to the Russian Polar Arctic
R. Balister, G3KMA
& I. Znamenskiy, UA9KDF
41min 19sec
122 GHz and up
Chris Whitmarsh, G0FDZ
44min 58sec
Writing for all variants of RadCom
Elaine Richards, G4LFM
44min 59sec
EMC workshop
RSGB EMC Committee
41min 08sec
Solar Dynamics Observatory, the Sun and the Ionosphere
Dean Pesnell
44min 27sec
I can HEAR it – why won’t it decode?
Neil Smith, G4DBN
45min 55sec
Icom IC9700: how does it measure-up
as a VHF DX transceiver?
Sam Jewell, G4DDK
44min 16sec
Digital homebrewing and the schematics of SDR
Derek Kozel, MW0LNA
42min 30sec
Our global amateur radio community
Dave Sumner, K1ZZ
40min 20sec
Exam update
Tony Kent, G8PBH
43min 50sec
The future and growth of amateur radio
Kamal Singh, M0IOV (RSGB Board)
46min 02sec
Meet The Board
RSGB Board Members
19min 58sec