RSGB 2017 Convention lectures
Sporadic E: a propagation update
Chris Deacon, G4IFK and Jim Bacon, G3YLA
46min 57sec
SO2R Contesting Techniques
Mark Haynes, M0DXR
46min 14sec
Botswana revisited, A25UK 2017
Tony Bettley, G4LDL
43min 52sec
World Radiosport Team Championship 2018
Dave Lawley, G4BUO
33min 22sec
Combined mode propagation on 144MHz enables ultra DX contacts
Tim Fern, G4LOH
37min 52sec
Good design practice for home Yagi construction
Richard Mason, G6HKS
47min 33sec
HF Mobile DXing
Alan Birch, G4NXG
51min 25sec
Reflections on the history of Radar
Hugh Griffiths, G4CNV
42min 02sec
ZL7G DXpedition: planning, logistics, operating and beer
Chris Ducking, G3SVL
44min 03sec
HF propagation at sunspot minimum
Steve Nichols, G0KYA
31min 30sec
SDR – the station of the future
John Linford, G3WGV
40min 37sec
Ionosonde data and HF propagation
Jim Bacon, G3YLA
45min 05sec
Train the Trainers: tips and tricks
Derek & Ali Hughes
45min 08sec
VHF/UHF DX – the game of decibels
Ian White, GM3SEK
45min 39sec
Amateur deep space reception
Paul Marsh M0EYT
44min 44sec
Antenna selection for for the 6G Pacific DXpeditions
Mike Chamberlain, G3WPH
45min 09sec
M1N-the-Middle, a flexible hardware control add-on for your K3
James Patterson, M1DST
36min 19sec
Measuring spectrum pollution at VHF/UHF
Alwyn Seeds, G8DOE
45min 15sec
Latest developments in IOTA
Roger Balister, G3KMA & Cezar Trifu, VE3LYC
41min 44sec
E51LYC brings Pukapuka Atoll (OC-098) in North Cook Islands on the air
Cezar Trifu, VE3LYC
42min 17sec
Pi in the shack
Mike Richards, G4WNC
46min 36sec
YOTA 2017 Convention lecture
Milo Noblet, M0ILO
43min 05sec
Breaking the mould –
clubs and groups for the 21st century:
a progress report
Nick Henwood, G3RWF
43min 30sec
RSGB Strategy 2022: progress to date
Steve Hartley, G0FUW
44min 29sec
RFI update
John Rogers, M0JAV
50min 27sec