RSGB notices
The latest news, information and announcements from RSGB HQ and the Board
Latest RadCom Plus now available
The latest issue of RadCom Plus is now available online. It contains…Ofcom announces final EMF licence changes
Ofcom has updated its web page stating its final decision on EMF.…Bletchley Park and the RSGB National Radio Centre
Bletchley Park re-opened on Monday 17 May. Entry is only by pre-booked ticket,…EMF licence change videos
The RSGB YouTube channel now has two videos to help radio amateurs…Full licence mock exam papers updated
The RSGB’s Examinations and Syllabus Review Group (ESRG) has just updated the…Survey on amateur radio
The IARU Region 1 is running a strategic workshop on the future…RSGB election results
The RSGB election results were announced at the AGM on Saturday 24…RSGB AGM trophy announcements
Sixteen awards were given at this year’s AGM. Congratulations to everyone who…GB3RS on the air for World Amateur Radio Day
The RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC) showed support for World Amateur Radio…