
This listing is correct as of 7 March 2025.

To have your rally or event on this list, into RadCom and read out on GB2RS News, email full details AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE to radcom@rsgb.org.uk 


16 Mar – Ripon and District Amateur Radio Society Rally

Great Ouseburn Village Hall, Lightmire Ln, Great Ouseburn, York YO26 9RL.

Doors open for traders at 7.30am and to the public at 10am (admission £3).

Free parking, refreshments and bacon butties available.

Tables will be available at a cost of £10 each. Please book early.

For enquiries or to book one or more tables, please email: radars.rally@gmail.com


23 March – Biggleswade Swapmeet (British Vintage Wireless Society – BVWS)

The Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 8JH.

Stallholders’ entry from 9am. General entry from 9.30am – £8.  Hot and cold refreshments available all day.

Vintage technology of all sorts – radio, TV, communications, audio, vinyl, computing, telephones and components.

Lots of stalls full of vintage goodies and ephemera and a bring-and-buy stall run by the British Wireless and Television Museum.

All welcome. You can also join BVWS on the day if you want.

Information (including stall bookings) from Jeremy Owen, G8MLK, secretary@bvws.org.uk. More details at BVWS.org.uk


23 Mar – Callington Radio and Electronics Rally
The Callington Radio and Electronics Rally will be held in the Town Hall, New Road, Callington, Cornwall, PL17 7BD on Sunday March the 23rd 2025.

The venue is booked from 7.30am until 2pm with public access from 10am until 1pm. Entry is £2 each with no charge for those under the age of

A comprehensive selection of traders, clubs and societies from the Southwest will be present along with a bring-and-buy stall and the usual excellent catering service. As an improvement from last year, the bring-and-buy stall now accepts payment by all major debit and credit cards using contactless, chip and pin or by phone.

The venue has disabled access and toilet facilities with ample parking in a nearby car park. Although the main hall is now fully booked, tables are still available in an adjacent room at
£5 for the large size (6ftx2ft) and £3 for the smaller one (4ftx2ft).

Pre-booking is essential, so please contact Alastair, M0KRR at alastair.kerr1@btinternet.com or by phone on 01503 262755 with your requirements as soon as possible.


23 Mar – Dover Amateur Radio Club 2025 Rally

St Radigunds Community Centre, Poulton Close, Dover CT17 0HL.

10am-2pm. Entrance fee £3.

Tea, coffee and bacon rolls available on site.

Tables are £15 each, maximum two tables per vendor.

Bring and buy at the rally. 10% of the sale price goes to the Club.

Icom, SDRPlay, RSGB, and Dover Community Radio will all be present.

Table bookings and latest news via website darc.online/rally


30 Mar – Pencoed & District Amateur Radio Club Rally

Sarn and Bryncwils Social Club, Bryncoch Road, Sarn Bridgend, CF32 9NY

Entrance fee is £2.50. Tables cost. £10 each. Refreshments will be available. Doors open to the public at 10am. Traders will have access for set-up from 8am.

Contact: Ieuan Jones, 07791 709 691.


6 Apr – Hack Green Military Surplus & Military Radio Hangar Sale

Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker, Nantwich, Cheshire CW5 8AL.

Sale of electronic equipment, amateur gear, components, military radio items and vehicle spares.

Contact coldwar@hackgreen.co.uk


Any last minute news will appear at facebook.com/HGsecretbunker


12 Apr – Yeovil Amateur Radio Club QRP Convention

Digby Hall, Sherborne.

Doors open 9.30am.

Traders, bring and buy, club stalls and café.

For more information see: yeovil-arc.com/QRPconvention.php


13 Apr – Holsworthy ARC Spring Radio Rally

Holsworthy Livestock Market, New Market Road, Holsworthy, Devon, EX22 7FA.

There will be traders, a bring-and-buy and catering.

Open to traders from 8am. Doors open to the public at 10am. Entry costs £3 per person.

The venue also has disabled access.


13 Apr – Northern Amateur Radio Societies Association Exhibition (NARSA) (also known as the Blackpool Rally)

Norbreck Castle Exhibition Centre, Blackpool, FY2 9AA.

Details from Dave, M0OBW 01270 761 608, 07720 656542, dwilson@btinternet.com, www.narsa.org.uk


19 Apr – Moray Firth Amateur Radio Society Surplus Sale

Roseisle Village Hall, near Burghead.

9am-2pm with doors open at 10am for traders.

There is ample parking on site and there will be catering available (coffee, tea, bacon rolls).

Entry is £5, and tables for sellers are £10.



27 Apr – Cambridge Repeater Group Rally

Foxton Village Hall, Hardman Road, Foxton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB22 6RN.

The doors open at 9.30am (7.30am for traders) and the entrance fee will be £4.

The event will include: a car-boot sale, trade stands, a bring-and-buy area, catering, disabled facilities, an RSGB Bookstall and a free marshalled car park.

Cash and card burger van opens at 8am. Venue rules state strictly no dogs except assistance dogs on the field please.

Contact Lawrence, M0LCM, 07941 972 724, rally2025@cambridgerepeaters.net

See www.cambridgerepeaters.net for details and bookings.


5 May – Dartmoor Radio Rally 7th  May 2023

The Yelverton War Memorial Hall, Meavy Lane, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 6AL. Free Parking.

There will be the usual bring and buy, trader stands and refreshments available.

Doors open at 10am and admission is £3.

Contact Roger by phone on 07854088882, or email 2e0rph@gmail.com


11 May – RetrotechUK (BVWS)

Sports Connexion, Leamington Road, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Coventry, CV8 3FL.

Doors open 10.30am. £10 Entry (£25 early-doors entry at 9am).

Annual event organised by the British Vintage Wireless Society.  Nearly 200 stalls of dealers, clubs and private sellers.

Retro and vintage radios, televisions, hi-fi and audio, vinyl records (LPs, 45s, 78s), communications and test equipment.

Gramophones, telephones, spares, early video games and computing. bring-and-buy stall.

Everyone welcome. Details from Greg Hewitt info@retrotechuk.com and www.retrotechuk.com


17th May – Barry Amateur Radio Society Rally
Sully Sports and Social Club, South Road, Sully CF64 5SP
Large free onsite carpark. Doors open from 9.30am (Traders 8.0am)
Admission £3
Traders and exhibitors ring Nigel GW1CUQ  on 02920892580.
General enquiries ring Steve GW5VOG on 07900560080 or email s.cawsey@sky.com 


18 May – West of Scotland Braehead Radio Rally

Braehead Arena, 150 Kings Inch Road, G51 4BN. Located just outside of Glasgow between Glasgow airport and City Centre in the Braehead shopping centre’s Arena.

Plenty free parking all day, great buss links with Glasgow, Paisley and Inverclyde. Just off the M8 by car.

Doors open at 10am for all visitors until 4pm. There will be hot food and drinks also a licensed bar.

Over 50 tables of traders and club stands as well as a bring-and-Buy. Entry is £4

There will be a RSGB Book stand on the day, check out https://www.braeheadradiorally.com  for more information.


18 May – Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club  41st Annual Radio Rally

Share Discovery Village, 221 Lisnaskea Rd, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen, BT92 0JZ.

Usual facilities, food and drink, bring and buy.

Doors open 11am (traders to arrive around 9am).

£/Euro 5. Admission to include draw ticket. Usual draw.

RSGB books/QSL Bureau, IRTS.

Usual variety of traders.

Contact: Alan via argault91@gmail.com to arrange a table.


18 May – Dunstable Downs Radio Club – Annual National Amateur Radio Car Boot Sale

Held at Stockwood Park in Luton. This is the 40th year without a break, bar the Covid-19 years, that this event has been run.

Further details can be found at ddrcbootsale.org


25 May – Durham District ARS Radio Rally
Bowburn Community Centre, Bowburn, Co Durham, DH6 5AT. Doors open from 10.10am to 2.30pm with disabled visitors gaining access at 10am. Admittance is £3. There will be a bring-and-buy sale, trade stands, special interest groups and an RSGB bookstall. Catering on site.
Michael Wright , G7TWX, 07826 924 192, dadars@gmx.com


1 Jun – Spalding & DARS Annual Radio Rally

Spalding Rugby and Football Club, Centenary Park, Drain Bank North, Spalding, Lincs, PE12 6AF.

What3words: ///jumpy.either.pipe

General Admission £3 per person.

Free on-site car park, inside and outside traders, on-site catering and bar.



Graham, G8NWC, 07754 619 701


8 Jun – Mendips Radio Rally

Farrington Gurney Memorial Hall, Church Lane, Farrington Gurney, BS39 6UA. Doors open at 9.30am.

Free Parking and refreshments will be available on site.

For more details contact Luke on 07870 168 197 or email Luke@mymixradio.co.uk


15 Jun – East Suffolk Wireless Revival (Ipswich Radio Rally)

Kirton Recreation Ground, Back Road, Kirton IP10 0PW (just off the A14).Doors open at 9.30am and the entry fee for visitors is £3. The venue has free car parking. Trade tables are from £10. There will be trade stands, a car boot sale, a bring and buy, special interests groups, GB4SWR HF station and an RSGB bookstall. Catering is available on site.
Contact Kevin G8MXV, 07710 046 846. www.eswr.org.uk


29 Jun – Cornish Radio Amateur Club G4CRC Rally

Penair School, St. Clement, Truro, TR1 1TN.

Doors open 10.30am.

Contact: Ken, G0FIC on 01209 821073.


4, 5, 6 Jul – Saffron Walden Radio Ham / CB Club Rally

Lovecotes Farm, Chickney Road, Henham Village, Bishop’s Stortford, CM22 6BH.

This is a field day (set up your radios) and rally (tabletop sale) weekend over Friday 4 July, Saturday 5 July, and Sunday 6 July 2025 (Sunday will be the tabletop sale).

You can camp on the field from Friday to Sunday and have a table for a cost of £15.

For camping, turn up from 6pm onwards on Friday. When leaving on Sunday please be off the field by 3pm.

Just to have a table (Sunday only) is £10. Turn up from 8am onwards.

To set up your radio for the field day (Saturday only) is £5. Turn up from 8am onwards.

To look around the rally (Saturday only) is £2. Turn up from 9am onwards.

To book for camping or arrange tables email g8swr1.5@gmail.com


6 Jul – Newbury Radio Rally

Newbury Showground, next to junction 13 of M4 motorway in Berkshire, RG18 9QZ.

This is the 36th year of The Newbury Radio Rally and is the ideal event for anyone interested in radio communications, computing and electronics.

There will be a display area with an amateur radio station, exhibits, special interest groups, clubs and societies.

The doors open to sellers at 8am and for visitors at 9am.

Ample free parking will be available.

Entry is £4 visitor, £15 sellers pitch.

Advance bookings (with discount) can be made via nadars.org.uk/rally.asp

On-site catering and disabled facilities will be available.

Contact: email: NewburyRally@nadars.org.uk , or web: nadars.org.uk


19 Jul – HFDXARC Radio Rally

Welwick Village Hall, North Lane Welwick, HU12 0SH.

10am to 3pm.

Visitor entrance is £3.

To book a table please contact Ernie, G4LUE on 07984191873 or email Rally@hfdxarc.com


20 Jul – Bury St Edmunds Radio Rally

Rougham Tower Museum, IP32 7QB. The doors open at 9.30am for visitors and 7am for traders. Refreshments are available from the museum’s cafeteria. Admission for visitors costs £3.

The Rougham tower museum will be open on the day and entry is free, so why not make a day of it and visit both events.

For further information email rally2025@bsears.co.uk


20 July – Finningley ARS Rally
10am, DN8 5SX
Full details will be on www.g0ghk.com


27 Jul – Wiltshire Radio Rally

Kington Langley Village Hall, Church Road, Kington Langley, SN15 5NJ.

Doors open for traders at 7am and public at 9am.

Indoor tables can be pre-booked. Large field for car boot and parking.

Indoor tables £10. Outdoors, cars £10, vans £15.

Refreshments on site.

See chippenhamradio.club for further details. To book tables please contact Brian, G6HUI  at g6huim3hui@gmail.com


3 Aug – BATC Convention for Amateur TV 2025 (CAT 25) Part 1

Midland Air Museum, Rowley Rd, Coventry, CV3 4FR.

CAT 25 will take place on Sunday 3 August as a meet-up, show and tell, test and fix-it, and bring and buy event from 10am to 4pm.  There will be full test facilities available for 5.6GHz/Portsdown/MiniTiouner/Ryde/power amplifiers/preamps.


10 Aug – Flight Refuelling ARS Hamfest


24 Aug – Milton Keynes Amateur Radio Society Rally

Heron’s Lodge Guide Activity Centre, Bradwell Road, Loughton Lodge, Milton Keynes, MK8 9AA (opposite the National Badminton Centre – follow the brown shuttlecock signs) which has excellent modern facilities together with free on-site parking, catering and disabled facilities.

Entrance fee £3. Free parking. Open to the public from 9am.

For trader and exhibitor enquiries please email rally@mkars.org.uk

Outdoor pitches and indoor tables available.  For more information see mkars.org.uk/mkrally


5, 6 Sep – National Hamfest 2025

George Stephenson Hall, Newark Showground, NG24 2NY.

For more information visit nationalhamfest.org.uk


14 Sep – Biggleswade Swapmeet (British Vintage Wireless Society – BVWS)

The Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 8JH.

Stallholders’ entry from 9am. General entry from 9.30am – £8.  Hot and cold refreshments available all day.

Vintage technology of all sorts – radio, TV, communications, audio, vinyl, computing, telephones and components.

Lots of stalls full of vintage goodies and ephemera and a bring-and-buy stall run by the British Wireless and Television Museum.

All welcome. You can also join BVWS on the day if you want.

Information (including stall bookings) from Jeremy Owen, G8MLK, secretary@bvws.org.uk. More details at BVWS.org.uk


14 Sep – Caister Lifeboat Radio Rally

Caister Lifeboat station, Caister on Sea, NR30 5DJ. Entrance via carpark on Beach Road.

Raffle, on-site cafe, gift shop, museum.

Free entry, open 9am-2pm (8am for sellers).

Inside tables £10 each, outside £5 each.

Contact: Zane, M1BFI, m1bfi@outlook.com, 07711 214 790.


25 Oct – Carrickfergus Amateur Radio Group Rally

Elim Church, North Road, Carrickfergus, BT38 8ND. Doors open at 11.30am (9.30am access for traders).

Usual traders, raffle prizes, bring and buy, food and refreshments available.

RSGB bookstall and QSL.

Disabled access. Free car park. For more information, please contact Tim, MI0TBL, carg@hotmail.co.uk.

Latest news on: giØlix.home.blog


1 Nov – 13th Scottish Microwave Round Table

Museum of Communication, Burntisland, Fife, Scotland.

There will be an optional dinner in the evening at a local hotel.

Further updates will be posted on the gmroundtable.org.uk website in June or July 2025.

To find out more email Colin via gm4hwo@gmail.com