How to Affiliate your Club

Urban ARDF in Worksop
How to affiliate your club, group or society to the RSGB
Any UK club, group, society or emergency communications group may affiliate to the RSGB, provided it fulfills just a few requirements.
The affiliation fee is currently £72.00—with a £4 discount for those who pay by Direct Debit.
Completing the application form
Download the Affiliation Application Form (2-page/1001KB PDF fillable form).
If your organisation has a callsign, please let us know on the application form.
If it does not, we will issue a receiving station number for reference purposes.
Note that for UK clubs, groups and societies the RSGB region and RSGB district will be determined by the address given on the application form.
Clubs, groups and societies near to, or spanning county boundaries should decide carefully the county they wish to be associated with and insert the appropriate choice in the address of the club they are entering on the application form.
Please also note that once your club address is on our files, we will regard it as information that can be freely given out to those seeking to contact clubs, including publication on UK Club Finder.
What to send to your Regional Representative
Please send to the appropriate Regional Representative the following—
- Your completed application form signed by the club chairman or secretary
- A copy of the club’s constitution or rules—there is no prescribed form of constitution but we provide an example (1-page/56.7KB PDF) for guidance
- A list of current officers of the club
- A statement of the number of members, and the proportion who are RSGB Members
A list of Regional Representatives is published on the RSGB website and in the RSGB Yearbook.
The Regional Representative will vet your constitution or rules and, if suitable, will countersign your application form.
He or she will then return the form and your constitution or rules to you.
Note that only the Regional Representative may countersign an application for a club, group or society.
Overseas organisations should send their application form and constitution or rules direct to RSGB HQ addressed to the RSGB Membership Secretary.
And finally…
Send your countersigned application form, constitution and remittance to—
Membership Secretary
Radio Society of Great Britain
3 Abbey Court
Fraser Road
Priory Business Park
Bedford, MK44 3WH