Demonstration guides

YOTA event construction demonstration
At the beginning of the year, the RSGB Inspire focus group was formed from club members from across the UK, interested and active in both developing and sharing ideas about how to do this effectively.
The RSGB Promotion Group has been working with Inspire to provide what will become a one-stop-shop on the RSGB website for those Affiliated Clubs that would like advice and guidance on a wide range of promotional topics or just want to see what others are doing.
The material will include a range of how-to guides including risk assessments for events, making the most of your website, raising your profile in the media, delivering practical sessions and demonstration guides.
The first demonstration guide—for CW—is in final draft and available here.
- RSGB Inspire Information Pack – Morse Code Demonstration
(5-page/3.38MB .docx) - MS Word 2003 and earlier versions
(6-page/3.84MB .doc)
Comments are welcome, please send them to
We are keen to develop a range of demonstration guides, using this CW example as a template, and we would be delighted to hear from you if you would like to contribute to this work.