In the media: Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club
In July 2024, Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club was featured in the BBC Northern Ireland news online, on the radio and on the television. We spoke with club member Jamie, 2I0FVX to learn how this came about, and how other clubs could do the same.
How did the BBC find out about the story?
The National Lottery Awards for All contacted the media after we’d been awarded a grant. The funding was for new equipment to assist in the accessibility of our club demonstration trailer and for the purchase of a new HF rig and generator.
We were contacted by a member of the BBC Northern Ireland news desk for basic information. Following this, they arranged to visit us during our annual Marconi field weekend. The journalist spent nearly a full day with us filming various segments and recording audio for the radio news broadcast.
Did the Club have a representative to help the journalist?
Davy, MI0IRZ is our club spokesperson. He handled all the media contact and ensured that the journalist understood what was happening during QSOs, as well as helping with other technical questions.
How did Club members react to speaking with a journalist?
Our members had a great day and really enjoyed the process. Niall, the journalist, had a way of putting you at ease and was interested in what was happening. He had an enjoyable day learning about the hobby and taking all the information in, which showed in the quality of the pieces he produced.
Has the Club had interest from new members since the coverage?
We’ve had a number of enquiries following the news piece, all from people new to amateur radio. They have been looking to learn more about the club, the hobby and how they can obtain their licence.
How have you encouraged them to take the next steps in becoming radio amateurs?
They all received a personal invitation to our first meeting of the club year, back in September. We have also sent them an invitation to the various club days when we have the club trailer out. Under the new licence conditions, they have been able to make QSOs and to experience more of the hobby.
Do you have any tips for other clubs looking to contact the media about their own activities and events?
Reach out to media and invite them to a field day or club activation. Write a brief press release describing your club, what it does and your work in the community. Activity to hook them in may include RAYNET-UK or your support of a local charity or any other interesting stories your members have been involved in.
Category: Your stories