Volunteers’ Week – Mark Jones, G0MGX

| June 4, 2024

Mark Jones, G0MGX joined the RSGB Board as a Director in February 2024. He is the Board member responsible for Morse Certification, Strategy, GB2CW and Intruder Watch (IW), as well as the RSGB Construction Competition.

He says that since becoming a volunteer, he has enjoyed gaining a better understanding of all the diverse activities, groups and committees within the RSGB.

One of Mark’s recent projects has been working with the Board to develop the high-level strategy for the future of the Society, thinking about what it needs to look like in five to ten years’ time.

He believes that the Society needs a strong volunteer group to help promote its work and to help deliver it.

Mark says the RSGB is the voice and representative body for our hobby in the UK, and getting the right volunteers in the right roles is critical to its future.

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