Growth – grow and develop amateur radio
- Develop world class promotional material covering at least 10 unique aspects of the hobby and achieve this through collaboration with special interest groups. Each item produced shall target a specific demographic and purpose. Publish and promote this material through social and other media and complete by June 2020.
- Encourage participation and accessibility to the hobby though the promotion of home construction; hold a Buildathon for inexperienced constructors at the National Hamfest each year, commencing 2018. Provide supervision and tutoring at the event by members of TEC, Youth and Regional teams. Ensure that the activities are utilised fully for promotion of the hobby both during and after the event by publishing reports on the activities across the Society’s communication channels.
Participate each year in the YOTA summer event through RSGB sponsorship and ensure an appropriately selected team from the UK attends.
- Continue to promote YOTA month each December and ensure at least two schools are actively involved in the events annually.
- Each year publish a plan for youth-related activities that will include a clear set of measurable objectives to be achieved.
- Develop an awards scheme for newly-licensed individuals, executed by clubs but managed centrally, to promote and encourage progression through the licence structure. Provide a mechanism to nurture individuals on their journey in amateur radio and encourage participation in many diverse aspects of the hobby. Ensure the RSGB provides support throughout an individual’s amateur radio journey from Foundation through to Advanced and beyond. Fully launch the project by mid-2019.
- Develop best practice guidance materials for clubs to enable sharing of concepts and promotion of a welcoming environment for new and established amateurs and enthusiasts. Material to be completed and available by mid-2020.
- Promote amateur radio through attendance at STEM events each year. Participate in four public STEM events each year starting in 2018.
- Develop suitable marketing material to enable active participation in Maker Faire events. Have the material available by mid-2019 and attend a minimum of one event per year.
- Redevelop the Future Zone at the National Radio Centre (NRC) as an Engagement Zone where visitors can get a hands-on experience with different aspects of the hobby and ensure that entry level and homebrew radios are featured. Include promotional material on the RSGB in the area and show visually how the amateur radio licence structure progresses from Foundation to Advanced. Complete this new venture and open it to the public no later than the end of 2020.
- Work with the Bletchley Park (BP) education team and develop a radio-based training module that can become an option available to school groups visiting the site. Ensure that the module is available for delivery by the BP education team and a hands-on radio experience at the NRC is included as part of the module. Have the training option complete and available on the Bletchley Park school visit programme by the end of 2019.
- Continue to provide practical one-day courses for RSGB tutors, taught by radio amateurs who are also professional teachers, through the Train the Trainers (TtT) scheme. Ensure major themes continue to include inclusivity and the promotion of a welcoming environment. Deliver a minimum of two TtT events each year from 2018.
- Establish active links with the Men’s Sheds Association, develop a promotional talk with demonstration targeted for delivery in Men’s Sheds and for the Regional Team to deliver it in at least one shed in each region before the end of 2019.
Category: RSGB Strategy 2022 - priorities