RadCom Basics, January 2025, Edition 44

| January 30, 2025

We are pleased to announce the January 2025 edition of RadCom Basics is now available for RSGB Members to read and download on the RSGB website.

Constructing a kit

Keen to construct something for the shack? Lee Aldridge, G4EJB provides some sound advice on what to do

In this edition…

  • 4 How to get on 40 metres with a small suburban garden: Part 2
    Two more antenna designs used to be able to operate successfully on the 40m band from a typical semi-urban postage stamp-sized garden.
  • 10 Essential equipment for new licence holders
    Advice for the new amateur operator about how to approach buying new gear for use on HF, focusing on essential items and the options
  • 16 Constructing a kit
    Keen to construct something for the shack? Lee Aldridge, G4EJB provides some sound advice on what to do, including choosing the right tools, considering which kit to buy and other hints and tips
  • 26 HF mobile: my experiences
    Tim Hier, G5TM describes his journey from being newly licensed to the present day, and how he has approached HF mobile operating
  • 34 Powering a portable station
    What do you need to consider when powering a portable station? Recent advancements in battery technology mean that you can carry lighter batteries and operate for longer. Are there any other advantages to modern day batteries?
  • 39 Index of RadCom Basics articles, editions 1 to 44
    Provides you with an up-to-date reference to all RadCom Basics articles.

Category: Front Page News, RSGB Notices