RSGB Convention videos for members

| January 20, 2023

As a benefit for our members, we have released two Convention 2022 videos just for members to view.

  1. Peter Duffett-Smith, GM3XJE talks about the input impedance of feeder
  2. ‘Sprinkles or Mirrors’, the presentation by Chris Deacon, G4IFX, discovers the true nature of six-metre sporadic-E

Both videos are available in the RSGB online members’ portal.

Over the next few weeks we will release more videos into this portal so RSGB members have the benefit of watching these presentations first.

Log into the RSGB website, go to the videos tab and then choose the Convention lectures section. You will also find links to all of the Convention 2022 videos we have made available on YouTube.

Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines, RSGB Notices