RSGB AGM and Elections 2021
Voting for the RSGB elections is now open. On our AGM and election web pages you will find:
- The Calling Notice for the AGM
- Details of the Resolutions
- Candidate statements for the two people to be endorsed as Nominated Directors
- Candidate statements for the two people standing for RSGB President
- Candidate statements for the five people standing for elected Board Director
- Details of how to vote
Voting ends at 9am on Thursday 22 April.
The RSGB will be holding its AGM online this year on Saturday 24 April and will livestream the event. You will be able to submit written questions in advance through a form on our website.
All of these details are also in the April RadCom which you will be receiving this week.
Category: Front Page News, RSGB Notices