Ofcom-RSGB Forum: 15 March 2016
Summary of matters discussed at the Ofcom-RSGB Forum meeting held on 15 March 2016
1 Implementation of WRC-15 allocation at 5 MHz.
Ofcom have contacted Primary User concerning harmonising the current allocation with that agreed at WRC-15. It was noted that a response from the Primary User of this part of the spectrum was awaited.
2 Amateur Radio Licence Review: Guidance
Ofcom reported that the guidance document had been amended as a result of comments received. It was agreed that the draft be shared with the RSGB before publication. The RSGB agreed to share with Ofcom its draft good practice notes that it would publish after the revised Ofcom guidance.
3 Updated Packet NoV
It was agreed that Ofcom would share the draft with the RSGB before making it available for issue.
4 Revalidation
Ofcom provided the latest data showing the impact of the recent pilot re-validation exercise. There were still a significant number of licences that had not been re-validated. It was noted that the process of revocating unvalidated licences would be re-started after Ofcom’s new IT system had been commissioned (May/June 2016) and then continue on a rolling basis.
5 Preparation for WRC-19: Proposal to harmonise the 50-54 MHz amateur allocation.
The RSGB outlined the WRC-19 agenda item and its importance to the amateur community. The preparatory work underway within ITU was noted, and it was recognised that the CEPT processes would commence after April.
6 Beacon and Repeater Applications
RSGB reported that responses to requests appeared to be delayed from one of the Primary Users, possibly as a result of staff changes. It was agreed that Ofcom would approach the relevant Primary User to see what could be done to improve matters.
It was agreed that the RSGB could receive, process and issue routine Beacon, Repeater and Gateway renewals.
7 Callsign formats
Ofcom circulated an internal document summarising the current policy for information. RSGB agreed to comment on the completeness of the document. It was noted that, in line with the revised licence, Ofcom were now issuing new Intermediate Licences with callsigns in the format 20xxx (though this did not imply any change to the need to insert an RSL). RSGB agreed to publicise this practice.
RSGB outlined proposals for improving liaison and cooperation between Ofcom and itself for the management of reports of interference. Ofcom welcomed the approach in principle and agreed to provide detailed feedback as soon as possible. It was noted that Ofcom were in the process of providing an article for RadCom explaining the anticipated EMC Statutory Instrument and how it would affect its enforcement practice.
9 RSGB Examination Audit Committee
It was agreed that the Committee’s report should be an agenda item on an annual basis
10 National Hamfest
It was noted that Ofcom officers expected to be in attendance at the event.
Date of next meeting – 21 June 2016
Category: Ofcom-RSGB Forum, RSGB Notices