Special Events News – 16 March 2025
In celebration of its 60th anniversary, the Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club will be operating the club’s call sign GI3VFW on the Monday 17 March for one week. Members will be operating on all bands on HF, VHF and UHF from Tandragee, County Armagh. The club will also be operating GI3VFW from the 25 to 27 April from Navan Fort Armagh using all bands and modes.
Radio amateurs in Scotland will be on the air throughout March using special callsign GB1KBR. This is to celebrate the start of the official handover of the Commonwealth Games Kings Baton by His Royal Highness King Charles the third at Buckingham Palace for the Glasgow 2026 Commonwealth Games. Activity will be on HF, SSB, CW and digital modes. QSL via Logbook of The World, eQSL and QRZ.com There will also be an award programme available via the HamAward platform. For further information on the Glasgow 2026 Commonwealth Games please visit glasgow2026.com
Dennis Spratt, G7AGZ will be operating as special event station GB0CHC in aid of Cornwall Hospice Care. This marks his 34th year since his first project for the hospices in 1991. Dennis will be active from near St. Agnes, Cornwall on most bands and modes. The station will be on air from the 1 April for 28 days. He hopes to beat his target of 912 QSOs from 2024. See QRZ.com for further details, as well as how to donate.
Category: GB2RS Special Events