Special Events News – 22 September 2024

| September 20, 2024

This Sunday, the 22nd, Mid-Ulster Amateur Radio Club is active with the callsign GI5LOW from Blacks Farm in Tandragee to celebrate the G-QRP Club’s 50th anniversary. The callsign will be active from around 9am and the station is operating using all modes on the HF bands and FM on the 2m and 70cm bands. Also, from 2pm, Philip, MI0MSO will be giving a talk on, and practical demonstration of, programming a LoRa board as a tracking unit on 433MHz.

During the annual Railways on the Air weekend on 28 and 29 September the British Railways Amateur Radio Society (BRARS) will be operating using the callsign GB1FRT on behalf of the Furness Railway Trust in Preston. Activity will be on the 40m band using SSB. QSL via the Bureau. To read more about the station visit brars.info and QRZ.com.

Category: GB2RS Special Events