Special Events News – 15 September 2024

| September 13, 2024

To celebrate the G-QRP Club’s 50th anniversary special callsign G5LOW, and all its  regional variants, will be QRV until the 30 September. In addition, several overseas stations will be joining in with the event. For more information, including details of commemorative certificates that will be available for chasers, visit the website

Advance notice now that during October and November special callsign PZ5JT will be back on the air from Surinam during the jungle training of the Royal Dutch Army and Marines. The station is operated by personnel from the signal regiment and they will be working on the 40, 20, 17, 15 and 10m bands using SSB. Operators will be using in-service military L3Harris radios from different locations and will welcome your call.

Category: GB2RS Special Events