Rallies and Events News – 19 February 2017
The Radioactive Fair at Nantwich takes place on Sunday, 19 February at the Civic Hall, Market Street, Nantwich CW5 5DG. The venue has free car parking. Doors open at 10am and admission is £4. There will be trade stands and a bring-and-buy. Catering will be available on-site. Details by email from stuart@multimediacontrols.com.
There has been an unavoidable change to the venue for the Rainham Rally on 26 February. It will now be held at The Victory Academy, Magpie Hall Road, Chatham, Kent ME4 5JB. The new venue is larger with on-site parking for 250 cars and is located a couple of miles from the M2, Junction 3. A talk-in station, GB4RRR, will operate on 145.550MHz. Doors open from 10am to 2pm with disabled visitors gaining access at 9.30am. Admission is £2.50. There will be trade stands, special interest groups and catering on-site. Details from Trevor Cannon, on 07717 678 795.
Next weekend on 26 February the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Rally takes place at Wyong Racecourse, Howarth St, Wyong NSW 2259, Australia. Billed as the largest event in Australia. More information at www.ccarc.org.au.
Also on the 26th but much closer to home is the Pencoed Amateur Radio Club Table Top Sale at Pencoed Rugby Football Club, The Verlands, Felindre Road, Pencoed CF35 5PB. Tables will be £10 each—first come first served. Doors open at 8am for sellers and the setting up of tables. Buyers will be allowed in when the doors open at 9.30am. Entry fee £2. Hot food will be available in the morning and at lunch time. Hot and cold drinks will be available from the bar—non-alcoholic drinks till lunch time. Table bookings are through Madeline Roberts on 01639 767 056.
Category: GB2RS Rallies and Events