Rallies and Events News – 26 June 2016
Today, 26 June, sees the West Of England Radio Rally at the Cheese and Grain, Bridge Street, Frome, Somerset BA11 1BE. The venue has car parking and disabled facilities. Doors are open from 10am to 2pm and admission is £3, with under 14s free. There will be trade stands and an RSGB book stall, There is catering on site. More details from Shaun, G8VPG on 01225 873 098 or by email to rallymanager@westrally.org.uk.
Next Saturday, 2 July, the Bangor and District Amateur Radio Society Rally will be held at Donaghadee Community Centre, Manor Street, Donaghadee, County Down BT21 0HB. The venue is just 100 metres from the harbour, and car parking is available. Doors open at 11.30am and admission is £3. There is a talk on Practical Outdoor Weatherproofing by Ian White, GM3SEK as well as trade stands, a bring-and-buy and an RSGB book stall. Special interest groups will be in attendance. A raffle will be held on the day. Details from Harry on 0289 142 2762.
On Sunday, 3 July, the 20th Red Rose QRP Festival will take place at The Rose Centre, Lowton Civic Hall, Hesketh Meadow Lane, Lowton, Warrington WA3 2AH. The venue has easy access from all directions via the M6, M61, M60 or A580. There is free car parking and the spacious halls are at ground level with disabled facilities. Doors are open from 11am to 3pm and admission is £2, with under 14s free. There will be trade stands, clubs stands and special interest groups as well as an RSGB book stall. There will also be a bring-and-buy. A licensed bar and refreshments are available on site. Contact Les Jackson, G4HZJ, on 01942 870 634.
Also on the 3rd, the Barford Norfolk Radio Rally will be held at Barford Village Hall and Green, Barford, Norwich NR9 4AB. It opens at 9am with Talk in on S22. There will be trade stands, car boot sales, bring-and-buy, raffle, repeater groups, catering and free car parking. Entry is £2 with under 16s free.
If you have any rally or event information you’d like to appear in future editions of GB2RS News, in RadCom and on the RSGB website, please email details to radcom@rsgb.org.uk.
Category: GB2RS Rallies and Events