Rallies and Events News – 16 August 2015
G4CLD had a table at the Flight Refuelling amateur radio rally last weekend in Dorset. He sold a Mandol vertical antenna at the end of the rally, but unfortunately the buyer left the top section behind. Without this the antenna will not work. If this is your antenna, please contact G4CLD via the details on QRZ.com.
The Finningley ARS Summer Rally will take place today, the 16th, at the Hurst Radio Communications Centre, Belton Road, Sandtoft, Doncaster DN8 5SX. The venue is easily accessible from the M180 junctions 1 and 2. Doors open at 10am and admission is £3. There will be trade stands, a bring-and-buy and an RSGB bookstall. Details from Kevin, G3AAF on 07831 614 640.
On Friday the 21st, the Cockenzie and Port Seaton ARC mini rally will be held at the Community Centre, Main Hall, Port Seton. Bring along your own junk and sell it. Tables free, first come first served. Doors open from 6pm to 9pm and admission is £2. Details, by e-mail to bob.gm4uyz@talktalk.net.
On the 23rd, the Rugby Amateur Transmitting Society annual radio rally will be held at Princethorpe College, Princethorpe, Rugby CV23 9PX. Entry is £3, and the doors are open from 10am to 4pm. Sellers have access from 8.30am. Details from Tony, G0OLS on 07759 684 411.
If you have any rally or event information you’d like to appear in future editions of GB2RS News, in RadCom and on the RSGB website, please email details to radcom@rsgb.org.uk.
Category: GB2RS Rallies and Events